Many of the wonderful activities available to Pharaoh Hounds are non-competitive. They participate just for the joy of it. However, several of the various organizations in which our hounds do compete compile Top 10 statistics. Congratulations to these hounds and their handlers!

2011 Statistics

[wptabs style="wpui-blue" mode="horizontal"]
[wptabtitle] Agility[/wptabtitle]

1CH MACH5 C's Jameel Malik RN SC NJP XFD
2FC MACH C's Jameel King Ramses SC NJP XFD
3DC Beltara's Galadrial Time Traveler CDX GN RE MC MX MXJ NFD
4TC Galadrial's Bija Zeke CD RE MCD
5DC Naha Galadrial's Natural Blonde RA SC MX MXJ NFB
[wptabtitle] AKC Lure Coursing[/wptabtitle]
1DC Hallam's Gysai Kali MC LCXB
2DC Kr'msun Nefer-Temu Long Overdue RN SCD
3GCH DC Hallam's Phorest Of Bekaby BN RA MC LCX4D
4DC Nefer-Temu Vou Te Contar SCD
5DC Kamaraj Achilles Xanthus SCD
6GCH DC Churuka Mia Caught Red Handed MC LCXD
6DC Hallams Imola's Ghost SCD
8GCH DC Mia Bakhu Sleeping With The Enemy Of Hallam SCD
8NFC DC Hallam's Essence Of Violet MC LCX5B
10DC Hallam's Jake Of Arolet SCD
[wptabtitle] ASFA Lure Coursing[/wptabtitle]
1XanDC Kamaraj Achilles Xanthus FCh,SC M.Smith
2IkoHallam's Iko Iko of Phaethan FCh,SC,CGC K.Smith
3DinjaDC Zafis Dinja LCM2,SC J.Butterworth
4SennaDC Hallams Imola's Ghost FCh,SC J.& D.Gentile/Carota/Sipperly
5RihDC Zafis Rih LCM2,SC J.Butterworth 9 49 0 0J.Butterworth
6VioletNFC,DC Hallam's Essence of Violet FCh,VFCh,MC,LCX5 Dr S.Sipperly/D.Carota
7BajjaHallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet FChJ.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly
8KabaDC Naha Atomic Blond Revival LCM,RN,CGC,MC,VC,HIC D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis
9HattiKamosetts Hatshepsut of Abydos FChP.Dimor/D.Paul-Dimor
10WyattGCh,DC Churuka Mia Caught Red Handed LCM,MC,LCX L.& G.Witt
[wptabtitle] Conformation[/wptabtitle]
1GCH DC Hallam's Ethan Ramel MC LCXD
2GCH CH Northgate's As You Like ItD
3GCH CH Siphra's No Remorse JCD
4GCH DC Nefer-Temu Sambandrea RE SCB
5GCH DC Sendji Nefer-Temu Neptune-Triton SCD
6GCH DC Mia Bakhu Sleeping With The Enemy Of Hallam SCD
7GCH DC Hallam's Gysai Gabriel RN MC LCXD
8GCH CH Galadrial's Aurora Red Du Ciel BN RA SCB
9CH Mia-Bakhu Conspiracy Theory V Hallam CAD
10GCH DC Churuka Mia Caught Red Handed MC LCXD
[wptabtitle] LGRA[/wptabtitle]
1Phoenix-GDC CharmedWons Born to Phly SC HIC SGRCGwin
2PhorestDC Hallam’s Phorest of Bekaby RN MC LCX2Newman
3PhaedraFC CharmedWons Betcha I Can SC, RN, FCh SGRCKing/Gwin
4TitanXO EmpyreanHamilton
5FawkesBija Order of the PhoenixRamsey
6EmersonFC Jericho’s Serpent on the Crown SCOlsen
7WinkMia Bakhu’s Sleeping With The Enemy of HallamNewman
8CairoFC Starchild’s Golden Delicious SCOlsen
8ElliotDC Hallam Churuka’s Limited Edition MC LCXNewman
8HathorBija Hathor Sekhment of KykyRamsey
[wptabtitle] NOTRA[/wptabtitle]
1EmersonFC Jericho's Serpent of the Crown SCOlsen
2HathorBija Hathor Sekhmet of Kyky JORRamsey
3KanlooMia's HighlanderChristianson
4RogueSendji Nefer-Temu Horus's RogueMartin/Guinn
5TitanXO EmpyreanHamilton
6FawkesBija Order of the Phoenix SOR ORCWorth/Ramsey
7NuruK'rmsun Nefer-Tema Night Boat to CairoHamilton

2010 Statistics

[wptabs style="wpui-blue" mode="horizontal"]
[wptabtitle] AKC Lure Coursing[/wptabtitle]

1DC Hallam's Gysai Gabriel MC LCXD
2DC Hallam's Gysai Kali SCB
3GCH DC Hallam's Phorest of Bekaby RA MCD
4DC Zifis Rih SCD
5GCH DC Hallam's Ethan Ramel MC LCXD
6DC Zafis DinjaB
7DC Hallam's Delila Raavi MC LCXB
8NFC DC Hallam's Essence of Violet MC LCX4B
9GCH DC Kamosets Nefertum Benu SCD
10DC Hallam's Phisher of Bekaby SCD
[wptabtitle] ASFA Lure Coursing[/wptabtitle]
1PeachesFC Jomara's Secret of the Nile LCM,SC M.Wille
2DinjaDC Zafis Dinja LCM,SC J.Butterworth
3BenuGCh,DC/UKC Ch Kamosets Nefertum Benu FCh,SC M.& E.Rotondi
4WyattDC Churuka Mia Caught Red Handed LCM,SC L.& G.Witt
5RihDC Zafis Rih LCM,SC J.Butterworth
6KabaDC Naha Atomic Blond Revival FCh,RN,CGC,SC,VC D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis
6ZahraDC Lukor Mas-Re Al-Zahra FChM.Moore
8KinnesonCh Jomara's Ahmar Kelb Ta Kummiedja FCh,TDI,CGC,SC,NAJ M.Wille/M.Henke
9EvanDC Churuka Mia Evan Elpus of Hallam LCM,SC L.& G.Witt/P.Haig
10ZabelleDC Kamaraj Kamosett Zabells Sirocco FCh,VFCh P.& D.Dimor/M.Smith
[wptabtitle] Conformation[/wptabtitle]
1GCH DC Hallams Busiris Ra Qena MC LCX
2GCH DC Sendji Nefer-Temu Neptune-Triton SC
3GCH CH Siphras No Remorse JC
4GCH CH Northgates As You Like It
5CH Hallams Bekenkhons Ra Qena
7DC Hallams Phorest Of Bekaby RA MC LCX3
8GCH DC Kamosets Nefertum Benu SC
9GCH DC Hallams Ethan Ramel MC LCX
10GCH CH Shalimar Mercury Rising
[wptabtitle] LGRA[/wptabtitle]
1PhaedraFC CharmedWons Betcha I Can SC, RN, FCh GRCKing/Gwin
2BenuCh Kamosets Nefetum Benu JCRotondi/Keating
3Phoenix-GDC CharmedWons Born to Phly SC HIC GRCGwin
4FawkesBija Order of the PhoenixRamsey
5PhutureCharmedWons Que-Sera-Sera GRCGwin
6BlaiseFC Bija A Blaise in Texas SC, FCh, GRCGentile
6LunaDC Nefer-Temu Mia Samba Del Luna MC LCX Fch LCMGuinn/Martin
6Vixen-CNefer-Temu Royale Sapphire SambaCarrillo
9IoFC Sendji Nefer-Temu Jupiter-IoMartin
9Phoebe-M/GSendji Nefer-Temu Saturn-Phoebe SCMartin/Guinn
9TitanXO EmpyreanHamilton
[wptabtitle] NOTRA[/wptabtitle]
1FawkesBija Order of the Phoenix JORWorth/Ramsey
2PhoenixDC CharmedWons Born to Phly SC FCh GRC JORGwin
2JeremiEneas Nehemiach Tal SannatGates/Rohrig
3Phoebe-MSendji Nefer-Temu Saturn Phoebe SCMartin
4PhaedraUKC-CH CharmedWons Betcha I Can RN CGC FCh GRC JORKing
5TitanXO EmpyreanHamilton
5Luna-GNefer-Temu Mia Samba Del Luna MX LCX FCh LCMGuinn/Martin
5IbiKamaraj Achilles IbiPhinney
6PhlirtDC Sunwinds Sovrin Scheherazade SC RN FCh GRC ORCGwin/Rucker
6NuruK'rmsun Nefer-Tema Night Boat to CairoHamilton
6HathorBija Hathor Sekhmet of Kyky JORRamsey

2009 Statistics

[wptabs style="wpui-blue" mode="horizontal"]
[wptabtitle] AKC Lure Coursing[/wptabtitle]

1DC Hallams Phorest of Bekaby, FCh, MC, LCX3
2DC Naha Atomic Blond Sands MC LCX
3NFC DC Hallams Essence of Violet MC LCX4
4DC Hallam-Churukas Limited Edition MC LCX
5DC Hallams Itas Qenu Sha-T MC LCX2
6DC Hallams Delila Raavi MC LCX
7DC Hallams Gysai Gabriel MC LCX
8DC Xo Sequin SC
9GCH DC Kamosets Nefertum Benu SC
10DC Lukor Mas-Re Al-Zahra SC
[wptabtitle] ASFA Lure Coursing[/wptabtitle]
1Dinja DC Zafis Dinja LCM,SC J.Butterworth
2Rih DC Zafis Rih FCh,SC J.Butterworth
3Wyatt DC Churuka Mia Caught Red Handed FCh,SC L.& G.Witt
4FayDC Mia Churuka Bright Side of Life FChP.Haig
5FuryMia's Mad About You FChI.English/P.Haig
6Evan DC Churuka Mia Evan Elpus of Hallam LCM,SC L.& G.Witt/P.Haig
7KaylaFC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited LCMG.& K.Breitbach
8Peaches FC Jomara's Secret of the Nile FCh,SC M.Wille
9Moon Mia's Saved By The Bell FCh,SC I.English/P.Haig
10Xenia FC Catch Me If You Can FCh,SC,NA,NAJ I.English
[wptabtitle] Conformation[/wptabtitle]
1DC Hallam-ChurukaS-Limited-Edition MC LCX
2GCH CH Siphras No Remorse JC
3DC Hallams Gysai Kali SC
5GCH DC Mia Churuka Bright Side Of Life SC
6CH Tiara Ne-Kabu Abu Simbel Ankh
7DC Churuka Mia Caught Red Handed SC
8GCH CH Shalimar Mercury Rising
9DC Nefer-Temu Mia Sambasonic RE SC
10DC Senbis Memories Of Spring SC
[wptabtitle] LGRA[/wptabtitle]
1Phoenix-GDC CharmedWons Born to Phly SC HIC GRCGwin
2BlaiseFC Bija A Blaise in Texas SC, FChGentile
2PhalconCharmedWons Happy-Go-LuckyKing/Gwin
4Phoebe-M/GSendji Nefer-Temu Saturn-Phoebe SCMartin/Guinn
5KhamsinFCh Mia’s Too Hot to HandleWatson/Deal
5LunaDC Nefer-Temu Mia Samba Del Luna MC LCX Fch LCMGuinn/Martin
7PhaedraFC CharmedWons Betcha I Can SC, RN, FCh GRCKing/Gwin
7PhutureCharmedWons Que-Sera-SeraGwin
9CorkeyDesertPhoenix Mars Red HotHughes/Hughes
9KhafreTiara Me-Kabu Pyramid of KhabuWatson/Ault
[wptabtitle] NOTRA[/wptabtitle]
1FawkesDC Bija Order of the PWorth/Ramsey
2PhoenixDC Charmedwons Born to Phly SCJ Gwin
3HathorDC Bija Hathor Sekhmet of KyJ RAmsey
4IoDC Sendji Nefer-Temu Jupiter-Io SC LCXGuinn/Martin
5PhalconCharmedwons Happy-Go-LuckyKing/Gwin
6VixonJerichos Illusive FantasyRohrig/Gates
7SokarKyky Ptah Seker of RosetauJ RAmsey
8XenaJerichos Savage AmusementGates