This is an active, high energy breed. They need to exercise and play hard to stay physically and mentally fit. That being said, a pharaoh hound does not make a good “outdoor” dog. They are very people oriented and need to be active family members in order to thrive.

Like all breeds that hunt in packs, the Pharaoh Hound can be quite vocal. They have a wide and interesting variety of sounds that they make. When they play, they play vocally, and they have a tendency to bark a warning at almost anything that they deem slightly out of the ordinary (making them superb watch dogs but not very good guard dogs.

They are extremely playful and everything is a potential game to them. They are also true entertainers by nature. If they are bored, they will create their own fun. Sounds like non-stop action, but actually, they are usually very laid-back in the house. A young dog will have three to four active periods in a day. As they get older the active periods get shorter and then less often. When not at play, Pharaoh Hounds are the definitive couch potato. They love to lie on the sofa and sleep under the covers at night.

Pharaoh Hounds, like other sighthound breeds, were developed to think and act independently. This is something that takes some getting used to if you have never experienced it before. When training a Pharaoh Hound, techniques must be used to motivate them to think through the action and have fun doing it.

Their prey drive is extremely high and a Pharaoh Hound will take advantage of every opportunity to hunt. When a potential prey is sighted, they become very single minded. Because of this, Pharaoh Hounds should always be on lead, if not in a fenced area. A six foot fence is recommended.