Strong and muscular. Limbs parallel. Moderate sweep of stifle. Well-developed second thigh. Dew-claws may be removed. Feet as in front.



rear angulationThe hindquarters of the Pharaoh Hound, while strong and well-muscled, must not be overly muscular or "beefy". The moderate sweep of stifle should be clearly defined, so that one can easily see its bend. Correct construction of the hindquarters is where the pelvis and upper shank meet at a right angle (90 degrees) and the upper and lower shanks, which are of equal length, meet at an approximate right angle, possibly slightly more than ninety degrees. The greater the angle between the upper and lower shank, the less clearly defined the stifle.

The forequarters and hindquarters must be in balance with each other, not only for appearance but for the purpose of correct gait. Over-angulation in the forequarters, to be properly balanced, should have over-angulation to the same degree in the hindquarters. The same holds true for lack of angulation, front and rear. Although correct angulation is called for, slightly over or slightly under is acceptable, if balanced front and rear. However, severe over or under angulation, front and rear, although balanced, is a fault, as is front and rear angulation not in balance.

The well-developed second thigh is necessary to support correct angulation. The hindquarters support part of the dog's weight and also give him the strength to propel himself forward. The greater the angulation, the further back the dog's rear paw will be, when standing with hocks perpendicular to the ground. He will have greater difficulty supporting his weight and his weaker hindquarters will lessen his ability to move forward with adequate drive and power. Lack of rear angulation results in a stiff action. Fluid motion and powerful drive are impossible to achieve with a straight rear leg. Neither the over-angulated stifle nor the steep stifle will produce the necessary forward motion of the Pharaoh Hound. Only the moderate bend of stifle will result in the smooth, strong drive required of the breed.


hocksThe hocks, or portions of the hind leg, from hock to heel, are upright and perpendicular to the ground when viewed from the side or rear. Viewed from the rear, the legs and hocks are parallel to each other. Hind feet should toe neither in nor out but point directly forward.

Faults are cow-hocks, where the hocks converge, turning in on each other, and divergent hocks, where the hocks turn outward. Cow-hocks are a slightly worse fault, but both faults are signs of weakness and impair proper movement.