Free and flowing: the head should be held fairly high and the dog should cover the ground well without any apparent effort. The legs and feet should move in line with the body; any tendency to throw the feet sideways, or a high stepping "hackney" action is a definite fault.
Single tracking, although a mark of excellence in many other breeds, should be severely penalized.
Viewed from the side, the gait of the Pharaoh Hound, moving at a trot of moderate speed, should be free, smooth and powerful, with great reach in front and great drive behind. This necessitates correct and balanced front and rear angulation. Viewed from the side, the back should remain level while the dog is in motion and should not sag, sway or bounce, nor be constricted or roached. The side view reveals if the front step is the same length as the rear step and if front and rear angulation are correct and in balance.
When moving away from the viewer, the rear feet and legs of the dog should move directly forward with hocks parallel to each other and in line with the body. If the hocks are too wide apart or too close together, the dog will not have freedom of movement. Cow-hocks make correct movement impossible to achieve. Although the fault of hocks turning out is not as common as the faults of moving too closely or with hocks turning inward, all of these faults are to be considered serious.
When approaching the viewer, the dog's front legs should move in line with his body and should be parallel to each other. Shoulder problems become apparent here. Loose shoulders usually are illustrated in motion by the elbows turning outward and front feet turning inward. The total action in this case is a fault called "weaving", which is actually the crossing of the front feet while gaiting. Another serious fault is "paddling" caused by constriction of the shoulder, in which the front feet are thrown outward while moving and at the same time the elbows remain close to the body. Equally serious is that fault in which the dog throws his weight from side to side when moving towards the observer. This is usually caused by a too-wide front or barrel rib cage impeding the action of the elbows, causing them to turn outward when the dog is in motion. Additional faults are a high-stepping "hackney" action or dragging the feet. The dog must clear the ground easily, without prancing, an action which would inhibit the required powerful flow of movement.